On 2011-06-10 Wiebe Cazemier wrote:
> Ansgar Wiechers <li...@planetcobalt.net> wrote:
>> On 2011-06-09 Wiebe Cazemier wrote:
>>> I was setting up a fallback MX server with Postfix and was struggling
>>> with preventing backscatter mail. I thought I found a good solution,
>>> but it turned out to be an illegal option. 
>>> Postfix has the ability to do recipient address verification. When
>>> postfix acts as a relay server, this prevents backscatter mail
>>> (bounces of messages because the server that is relayed to doesn't
>>> accept the user). Backscatter is usually caused by spam of course,
>>> because spam is sent to all kinds of users @example.com. 
>>> I had in mind to use recipient address verification to avoid that and
>>> then set "unverified_recipient_tempfail_action = permit". The idea
>>> behind this was: 
>>> - Prevent backscatter mail when the primary host is up because every
>>>   address is verified first.
>>> - Accept all mail when the primary host is down, so that incoming
>>>   messages aren't deferred. 
>> Why? What issue in particular do you see with simply doing recipient
>> verification (and rejection of messages to invalid recipients) on bot
>> MXs?
> Well, when the primar is down, all incoming messages on the fallback
> are deferred, because it can't do the verification. This means the
> result is the same as having no fallback at all.

There's more than one way to do recipient verification. Use
$relay_recipient_maps on the backup MX. And don't top-post.

Ansgar Wiechers
"Abstractions save us time working, but they don't save us time learning."
--Joel Spolsky

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