On 12/07/2011 14:28, Wietse Venema wrote:
Wietse Venema:
Tom Kinghorn:
Jul 12 12:05:29 mx1 postfix/smtpd[27176]: 461D2412E34:
Jul 12 12:05:29 mx1 postfix/master[1687]: warning: process
/usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 16159 killed by signal 6

"signal 6" means that the cleanup daemon logged a "panic" message
that specifies the cause for aborting.

Hi Wietse

Thanks for the pointers.

I have found this in the amavis logs, which could be the culprit

amavis[27010]: (27010-01-12) (!!)TROUBLE in check_mail: forwarding FAILED: Error writing to socket: Broken pipe at (eval 97) line 186.

Thanks once again to everyone who has offered advice.

Time for some investigating on my part.



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