seconded, only that submission is 587 ;)

----------------original message-----------------
From: "Бак Микаел"
To: "Postfix users"
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2011 12:59:05 +0200

> wrote:
>> To summarize, we think SMTP Auth is the simplest and most useful way to
>> allow people to send mail through our outbound mail system, and we are
>> hoping to get some feedback from the community regarding this perspective.
> Hi,
> I think it's a good idea. Additionally I suggest you enforce the traffic
> off port 25 and use the dedicated submission (586) for SMTP Auth and
> STARTTLS. Some older SMTP clients will not support STARTTLS properly.
> For them you can offer the same functionality on SMTPS (465) SSL/TLS.
> This way you'll have incomming SMTP traffic on port 25 and all outgoing
> on other, dedicated ports. Having separated them it is easier to
> implement different restrictions for incoming and outgoing traffic
> respectively.
> HTH,
> Mikael

Bernhard Rohrer Consulting
529 Howth Road
Dublin 5, Ireland

+353 87 7907 134

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