On 2011-07-22 mouss wrote:
> Le 20/07/2011 22:15, Peter Tselios a écrit :
>> Well, since I plan to move into the Postfix wagon, from scratch, I
>> want to learn more about the 587 port submission and the blockage of
>> port 25 for that. What are the best practices on the matter? Are
>> there any documents on that? Soren how do you implement it?
> The new standard recommends using port 587 (now called "submission")
> for mail submission, instead of overloading port 25.
> it is recommended that submission access requires authentication.

Authentication is mandatory for mail submission, according to RFC4409.

Ansgar Wiechers
"Abstractions save us time working, but they don't save us time learning."
--Joel Spolsky

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