On 2011-08-03 Baptiste Bauer wrote:
> De : Ansgar Wiechers [mailto:li...@planetcobalt.net] Envoyé : mercredi 
>> Sorry, but this isn't clear at all. Please rephrase, because I have no 
>> idea what you're asking here.
> I draw something, it could be easy to explain : 
> http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/5074/shemax.jpg
> you must know my relay is close. 
> And my Boss forbids me to open it !

Umm... I would certainly hope so. You probably won't get any help from
anyone on this list for configuring an open relay. We're getting enough
spam as it is, thank you.

> So,
> Is it possible for a mail from foreigner@otherland to be forward  : 
> nam...@domaine.com --> Alias @world

The sender address (From:) isn't relevant for relaying. The recipient
address (To:) is.

So, at which point does the message delivery fail? Please show a full
transaction from the point where a mail from <foreig...@otherland.fr>
enters your Postfix to the point where the delivery fails. Try to grep a
specific queue-ID from your mail.log. Example with the queue-ID from the
log-line you posted earlier:

  grep 87CA012C922 /var/log/mail.log

If the delivery fails because your relayhost refuses to relay the
message, then - like I said before - the problem lies with the relayhost
and must be fixed by the postmaster of the relayhost.

Ansgar Wiechers
"Abstractions save us time working, but they don't save us time learning."
--Joel Spolsky

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