Le 18/08/2011 01:31, Steve Fatula a écrit :
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Steve Fatula <compconsult...@yahoo.com>
>> To: Postfix Users <postfix-users@postfix.org>
>> Cc: 
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 6:18 PM
>> Subject: Remove header on reinjection
>> Sounded easy (and probably is), but, don't see it. I know I can add 
>> header_checks and have a rule in it to ignore a header, which is what I want 
>> to 
>> do. Specifically, the header that is added by reinjection after an after 
>> queue 
>> content filter that shows received from localhost.
>> header_checks is used in the port 25 smtpd server. Normally, one has a 
>> no_header_checks on the reinjection smtpd server as you don't want to 
>> re-check the same rules, as I do not. Some of them might even cause trouble. 
>> So, 
>> I don't (can't) want to use the same header checks. I want to use a new 
>> header_checks file which just has one rule to ignore that header, but only 
>> on 
>> the reinjection smtpd server.
>> However, this is not an option on smtpd. receive_override_options doc says 
>> you 
>> can disable things, but, shows no syntax for enabling things, though 
>> confusingly 
>> it says "Enable or disable", implying it may be able to enable, and 
>> perhaps even set header checks?
> I guess using cleanup_service_name works and defining a second cleanup. 
> Unless there is a better way.

well, if you can find an expression that works in any case, then use
"standard" header_checks. for exaple, to remove a "private" header, it
doesn't matter if it appears before or after a content filter: what
matters is that is a "private" header. so here, a regex/pcre is the way.

if a given header is to be treated differently before and after a
filter, then, yes, use a different cleanup.

if you use amavisd-new: you can configure it not to add a received header.

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