My initial thought was to save my existing config, then use webmin to build a config and compare the two. if they are miles apart then drop the idea. Part of my reasoning here is that I am getting old and I need to farm out some of my work, most of the people that I have been asked to look at are not CLI literate and are not particularly keen on becoming so.
John Allen
I do not want to start a flam war, but what are the thoughts on using
webmin as a tool to administer postfix (+ dovecot, but that is outside
this group).
The following is not specific to GUIs, but applies to any program
that automatically parses and updates configuration.  Be careful
about making changes by hand - the tool (GUI or otherwise) may not
understand everything.


"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." 
(Edmund Burke)

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