We have Head Office and Small Office.

In Head Office, we have Mac OS X 10.6.7 Mail server (i.e. postfix).  For people 
in Head Office, traffic to and from the mail server is over the fast LAN - no 

In Small Office, we have two employees, let's call them Snail and Shoe.

Currently Snail and Shoe use the mail server in Head Office.  When Snail emails 
Shoe, the message travels all the way to Head Office saturing the slow link 
upstream.  Shoe then downloads the email from Head Office, which then saturates 
the slow link downstream.

If Snail and Shoe are on the same LAN in the small office, there shouldn't be 
any reason for the message to travel all the way back to head office, so my 
question is:

How do I set up a local email server in Small Office using the same email 

If Snail sends an email to Shoe, it would go to a local email server in Small 
Office.  The local email server in Small Office would then check if Shoe is 
located in Small Office, if not, it would pass the message on the Head Office, 
but in this case, seeing that Shoe is in the local Small Office, the local mail 
server would then keep the message in Small Office.  Shoe will then download it 
from Small Office's local mail server, saving the slow link from saturation.

How do I do set up the servers this way?

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