On Sun, 8 Jan 2012, Jim Seymour wrote:

On Sun, 8 Jan 2012 13:04:18 +0100 (CET)
"Barbara M." <barb...@rfx.it> wrote:

After upgrading my old box (Postfix 2.2 on CentOS 4.x), to
postfix-2.6.9-1.rhel4, I noticied this strange issue in my daily
pflogsum (and others), log analisys report:

Mails are delivered to the mailboxes, but seems something is
changed in the logging that give this result.
Any hints?

Not without seeing logfile entries.  Please email me a few dozen
lines of an old logfile and a new one.  (Only a few dozen of each,

Thanks for interest.

As integration of my previous mail:

This is a tail -100 of /var/log/maillog: http://mail.rfx.it/120108maillog

This is a head -100 of /var/log/maillog: http://mail.rfx.it/120101maillog

Thanks, B.

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