On 20.01.2012 04:39, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
>>> But that
>>> alone isn't going to fix a 10x performance deficit.  You've probably got
>>> multiple factors degrading performance.
>> Yes, you have right. But I found recently, that disk mounted on my
>> server are slow 5.9K. My tests on in shows that they do fsync 1.5x-2x
>> slower than 7.2K with quite often 5x-10x slower peak. Together with
>> raid10, lvm, ext4, and much heavier load during delivery it may give
>> effect I'm observing.
> 5.9K RPM?  Bingo.  There's the problem.  Those are "green" drives, from
> one manufacturer or another, probably Western Digital EARS 2TB drives.

Most likely seagate. WD usually either does not tell the speed (saying
it varies) or they're 5.4K RPM.

> They are not suitable for RAID use, nor server use, nor any high
> performance use whatsoever.  As you've seen first hand their performance
> is low, unpredictable, and unreliable.
> In addition, they are "Advanced Format" drives, meaning 4KB hardware
> sectors but reported to the host as 512 byte sectors.  This can cause
> stripe alignment problems with RAID and the filesystem, which will
> exacerbate fsync delays.  Normally this misalignment is only an issue
> with parity arrays but it can also affect non parity striped arrays in
> certain configurations.

> Needless to say, you're not going to get decent queue spooling
> performance with these green drives, ever.  If you can't wholesale swap
> these 8 drives for units suitable for mail server duty, consider
> sticking two small inexpensive 7.2k SATA drives in the box and mirroring
> them.  Move the Postfix spool directory onto them--and any other
> applications you're running that need higher random IOPS performance
> than you're going to get from these green drives.

Please excuse me for the somewhat harsh words, but except of the
alignment issues which should be solved for once when partitioning
and creating filesystem, the rest is a complete bullshit collected
from various forums where people does not understand what they're
doing and blame bad drives.

I understand this is not a proper place to discuss this too: it is
postfix, it is not a disk comparison forum.  But I can't resist.

These drives are excellent when set up and used properly (the
misalignment issue you mentioned is real indeed, and MUST be
taken into account: everything should be aligned to 4Kb, lots
of especially old tools don't do that or even don't LET you to
do that - eg cfdisk in linux).  Very reliable, fast and

I'll give just one note about speed, which may look completely
wrong at first.  The reason they're speedy is that at their
low rotational speed, they also have much more data density, --
ie, basically, they can transfer much more data during single
rotate.  This way, their linear speed (sequentional read or
write) often goes FASTER than enterprize-class 15KRPM drives
which are of much less volumes (300-600Gb as opposed to 1 or
2Tb or more for these "green" drives).

Yes, due to slower rotational speed, they take more time to
position platter to the right place.  But that's, again, not
whole story: the seek time is about the same as for their
"elder" brothers.  Now, use just first 300 or 600Gb out of
this 2Tb drive, to have more fair comparison with 15KRPM
drives, and you realize that the seek time improves greatly,
since we now have to seek less!

That's about speed.  As you can see, the picture is FAR from

Their speed is reduced _dramatically_ when the drive have to
resort to read-modify-write cycle when the host sends data to
write in 512-byte units instead of in 4kb units, or when the
blocks are not aligned to 4kb.  This is where 99% of hysteria
comes from in various forums where people blame these drives.
And this one can't be solved 100% by doing right partitioning
and filesystem alignment: in addition to right alignment,
_size_ of each block being transferred matters too, it should
not be 512 but 4096.  This is where some operating systems
(especially windowsXP which is still used alot) cant guarantee
the right size.  Linux, especially recent kernel versions, is
much better, but here, again, it largely depends on the

Note that it is very difficult (lacking proper tools) to align
msdos-style partitions properly, since traditionally, all
partitions in extended partition are aligned to (chs)+512, and
all older tools will force the +512 shift.

That's enough for now about speeed.

As for reliability, it is not better and not worse than any
other drives.  One can argue that "enterprise-grade" drives
are more reliable, but that's very questionable still.  And
these "consumer-grade" drives have an advantage: they cost
alot less, so for the same money you can get several of them
to use them in higher-redundrancy raid array, to back the
theorerical lack of high reliability.

> This is likely the least expensive way, in both $$ and effort, to solve
> your problem.

I never tried running mailserver tests on an array of such drives
because I don't have many of them.  But a single 2Tb WD20EARS
drive outperforms single 500Gb Hitachi enterprise-class _sata_
(not sas) 7200RPM (both are of the same "generation", ie, bought
at about the same time and both were current) for about 10% for
postfix smtp-sink workload.  Go figure.



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