On 1/21/2012 6:53 AM, Michael Tokarev wrote:
> On 21.01.2012 15:42, Michael Tokarev wrote:
>> On 20.01.2012 16:01, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
> []
>>> As it turns out the OP has Seagate LP drives which are not Advanced
>>> Format 512/4096 drives.  No alignment issue there.
>> I never had/usd these so don't know.  Apparently the LP drives
>> are more optimized for sequentional operations, since they're
>> positioned for various media tasks (movies, photos etc) - but
>> again it is difficult to say what is "optimization" here.
> There are 2 modifications of Barracuda LP drives.  For 1Gb
> models, these are LP ST31000520AS (with traditional 512-sized
> sectors) 

Seagate is apparently playing a shell game with branding.  They sell
some of the 512 byte/sector 5.9K rpm "LP" drives as both "LP" and
"Green" models.  Regardless all "LP" drives are 512B/sector.

and LP ST1000DL002, with advanced format (4kb phys
> sectors).  Both has 5.9KRPM rotation speed. FWIW.

ST1000DL002 is a Barracuda Green, not a Barracuda LP, according to
Seagate's branding.  And according to Seagate, all of the 5900 rpm
"Barracuda LP" drives from 500GB to 2TB have 512 byte sectors:


Due to Seagate's cross-branding I guess it's possible his drives are
actually 4096byte/sector models.  In which case mis-alignment is a
possible factor in his horrible fsync performance.  It's impossible to
say as the OP didn't state the actual model number.  On a _technical_
mailing list that's really a requirement.

>> And having said all that, I think it'd be interesting to
>> understand why the OP has this slow system.  It should not
>> be this slow, with non-AF drives (misalignment for AF drives
>> can explain this slowness, and that's the only thing I can
>> think of right now).  Yes there are several layers of storage,
>> but that should not be _that_ bad.  Maybe that's the LP drives,
>> I dunno.
> So it very well might be due to misalignment.

It's probably a combination of things.  But lacking further information
from Konrad there's nothing further we can do but fruitlessly speculate.
 So until we have more information I think this thread should die.


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