Il 27/01/2012 11.47, Nickalf ha scritto:
     Hi Fellow Postfixers,  ( belated   H a P p Y   N e W   Y e A r )

                            Looking to find out the pros and cons of
      using MySQL based Postfix over the current basic (text based)
      setup I have.   Is it more secure?  must be faster - no?

                                                        Nick. . .
A few things I've noticed..

1. Nowhere near as many reloads needed, you can add domains, change what they are (local, transport, etc), add and remove users, all from a browser, instead of from the command line. You don't need to postmap, or postfix reload very often at all.

2. Speedwise, I think it's about the same, in theory reading from text files is quicker, but mysql is very quick with selects, and I've never noticed any difference. Being able to pass a question to mysql (does user exist here) might be faster than looking through a big list in memory (or a text file), but I think Wietse would be able to say with much more confidence.

3. Makes backups easier, mysqldump occasionally, it's a lot easier than dealing with PAM and shadow files (if your users are local).

4. It's easy to administer users, password, vacations, and a lot of it can be delegated to the users themselves..

I'm sure there are other reasons, but this is my experience.

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