On 28/01/12 00:00, nick wrote:
> Il 27/01/2012 11.47, Nickalf ha scritto:
>>      Hi Fellow Postfixers,  ( belated   H a P p Y   N e W   Y e A r )
>>                             Looking to find out the pros and cons of
>>       using MySQL based Postfix over the current basic (text based)
>>       setup I have.   Is it more secure?  must be faster - no?
>>                                                Thanks,
>>                                                         Nick. . .
> A few things I've noticed..
> 1. Nowhere near as many reloads needed, you can add domains, change what
> they are (local, transport, etc), add and remove users, all from a
> browser, instead of from the command line. You don't need to postmap, or
> postfix reload very often at all.
> 2. Speedwise, I think it's about the same, in theory reading from text
> files is quicker, but mysql is very quick with selects, and I've never
> noticed any difference. Being able to pass a question to mysql (does
> user d...@email.com exist here) might be faster than looking through a
> big list in memory (or a text file), but I think Wietse would be able to
> say with much more confidence.
> 3. Makes backups easier, mysqldump occasionally, it's a lot easier than
> dealing with PAM and shadow files (if your users are local).
> 4. It's easy to administer users, password, vacations, and a lot of it
> can be delegated to the users themselves..
> I'm sure there are other reasons, but this is my experience.

5.  Ability to work with the same data in different ways.  You can write
different SQL queries for the same data in an SQL table that can do
different things, for example you can have a list of IP addresses in the
SQL table and in one query you can return PERMIT if there's a match and
in another REJECT.  In a third query you can return some data that is in
a 2nd column of the same table.  With flat files you are limited to one
match and one return value, and if you want to use the same data for
some other purpose you need to copy it to another file.

Don't think that you are limited to just using mysql either, a lot of
people prefer postgresql and you may find if you take the time to check
it out that you do as well, there is also sqlite if you want something
lighter weight.


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