Hello list,

my apologies in advance for the almost OT question.
I need to setup a mail server that does a particular thing: it receives mail 
(from user SMTP submission, not as final destination) and, instead of relay, 
"does something" that ends up in having the mail (body + headers + attachments) 
in a mysql table.
The ideal thing would be some mta that keeps the mail spool directly on a 
database backend; knowing that this is generally unwanted because of 
performance and reliability issues (and thus, rightfully, never implemented, 
specially in Postfix), I'm trying to figure out a way to get the same result.
Note: strict realtime is NOT a requirement (I'm allowed to do some sort of 
processing between mail arriving and its insertion in the database).
After a couple of days of brainstorming, I came to a conclusion that relies on 
Postfix and on some coding: using the after-queue filtering capabilities of 
Postfix, I would first dump the mail (flat file) in a directory  (with a 
slightly modified version of this bash script: 
http://www.postfix.org/FILTER_README.html#simple_filter); then, using a cronjob 
scheduled every, let's say, 5 minutes, invoke some (php? ruby? perl?) script 
that does the batch import task "out of band" and removes the dump file.
I think that this "decouple" thing should give robustness to the whole process, 
providing small and single-task scripts for dump and import phases; it should 
be the "unix way" of doing things right :)

How would you accomplish the task? Can you think of some better solution?
Please correct me if I'm wrong in something.

Thank you!

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