Am 16.02.2012 19:32, schrieb Dipl.-Ing. Juergen Ladstaetter:
>> if you have a local-domain it will not make a lookup if it would the mail
> could not be delivered local
> That's the point. Even though it's configured as local-domain I would want
> it to look up any records (MX, A) and try to sent the mail to the underlying
> mailserver.

you want rely so you do not need the domain locally configured
in other words you want a list with allowed domains

>> why if it is as local domain configured?
> To ensure that mails are delivered to the right server since a 100% dynamic
> system sadly is open for fraudulent entries.

how will a local domain here help?

this is your friend and NOT local domains, mixed with
some other relay-params and mysql-lookup-tables it
should be easy to make a defacto "catch-all@domain"

>> in other words: this all does not make any sense
> Neither do parts of your email. I, and I think many others, would appreciate
> it if you reply in a more polite way since we're only here to share
> information and furthermore it would be amazing if you re-read your emails
> before sending them since they are full of weird sentences, typos and wrong
> grammar. Thanks

maybe it would help the next time try to describe wat you want
to do instead come with a solution which is not one and try
to find out how you can misuse it

P.S.: not all out are native english speakers

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