On Sat, 2012-03-17 at 16:46:24 +0200, Nikolaos Milas wrote:
> ...
> /usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/master.cf: unused
> ... 
> "fallback_relay parameter has been removed" is no more available in v2.9 ?

 % grep -A 2 fallback_relay RELEASE_NOTES-2.3
 [Incompat 20051208] The fallback_relay feature is renamed to
 smtp_fallback_relay, to make clear that the combined SMTP/LMTP
 client uses this setting only for SMTP deliveries. The old name
 still works.

> ...
> /usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/main.cf: unused parameter:
> var_flock_tries=40
> ... 
> I guess that the "var_flock_tries" parameter (which I had added
> according to:
> http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/postfix-users/message/277428)
> might not be available any more. This parameter is no nonger valid?
> ...

Still used in the code; not documented.  Most people should not have to
fiddle with this parameter.

Sahil Tandon

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