On 04/06/2012 12:53 PM, vr wrote:
> I'm exploring moving my small, non-SQL Postfix installation from a SOHO 
> type server to an ISP... Cloud... or whatever marketing term you fancy.
> I ask here because my own personal experience with Web companies has 
> been dismal when trying to send legitimate email from forum topics or 
> end-user subscriptions due to blacklisting, etc. My searches in the 
> archives and on the web turn up few Postfix-centric results. Ideally I 
> would like to find something in the Chicago U.S. area but would consider 
> others.
> I'm looking personal experience, off list is OK too, as to a provider 
> that's been more favorable for a Postfix deployment?

Most important is probably to make sure that you get your own IP address
at the hosting company. Mistakes happen and you don't want to get
blacklisted because someone's old PHP forum is compromised on your
shared host.

Second-most important would be to find an ISP who doesn't tolerate spam
and has a responsive abuse department. Try to contact the abuse
department -- does your message go to a real person, or is it
automatically printed out and fed into a shredder?

Most of the big blacklists only list /32s, so you'll be fine if you have
your own IP address. Smaller guys block /24 and up, but I myself won't
block anyone who acts on complaints.

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