On Tue, 2012-04-17 at 11:50 +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 17.04.2012 11:48, schrieb Claudius:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > as nobody seems to have a working solution I built a little Perl script
> > that adds the IP of the server receiving outgoing mail to
> > postgrey_clients.db
> > 
> > It's still a little unfinished but working fine on my server. There's
> > room for improvement though (IPv6 missing, rsyslog spawning and lastline
> > fetching is non-optimal). Maybe I will improve this with piping and a fifo.
> are you aware that you are whitelisting this way
> servers which sent spam to a user with autorply?
And I would add that an inbound MX does not necessarily === the same
outbound server a domain would use. Typically anti-spam gateways or
hosted services used inbound on one IP, whereas outbound mail coming
from another IP and server.

Just imagine whitelisting a shared, spammy server because a domain is
hosted on it. Naturally it will probably come through greylisting in the
end anyway, but I'd not go out of my way to make it easy on them!

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