On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 2:29 PM, Ansgar Wiechers <li...@planetcobalt.net>wrote:

> On 2012-08-03 DN Singh wrote:
> > I have a setup to receive mails for a subdomain, which is also the
> > hostname of the server. I want to use system users as mailboxes. This
> > used to work fine until I implemented catch-all address. I added an
> > entry "@domain.tld u...@domain.tld" in virtual map. But, all mails
> > went to that user.
> Umm... yes. This is expected behavior. Not to mention that a catch-all
> is a Really Bad Idea(tm) to begin with. What problem are you trying to
> solve by doing this?
> I have newsletter setup of around 4k users. I am trying to implement verp
to parse bounced email-ids. So, I need to implement catch-all setup. I have
tested the script with IMAP and am not satisfied with the result. So, I
want to test the other work-around where in, the script gets called
directly for each and every mail.
If the piping method works, I might even try other functions with different

> Ansgar Wiechers
> --
> "Abstractions save us time working, but they don't save us time learning."
> --Joel Spolsky

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