
> What are the permissions on /var/clamav/clmilter.socket ?

The permissions are;

srwxrwxr-x  1 clamav  postfix  0  Aug 21 12:30  clmilter.socket

Which I believe I found from here:

> According to the docs:
> "You specify SMTP-only Milter applications with the smtpd_milters
> parameter"

> "You specify non-SMTP Milter applications with the non_smtpd_milters
> parameter"

> What you're showing is non-SMTP (since you're using the sendmail
> command).

So, are you saying that there is no reason why these options shouldn't work?

non_smtpd_milters = unix:/var/clamav/clmilter.socket
smtpd_milters = unix:/var/clamav/clmilter.socket

>> local_recipient_maps =
> You shouldn't do that!

The Postfix docs state that "With this setting, the Postfix SMTP
server will not reject mail with "User unknown in local recipient
table". Don't do this on systems that receive mail directly from the
Internet. With today's worms and viruses, Postfix will become a
backscatter source: it accepts mail for non-existent recipients and
then tries to return that mail as "undeliverable" to the often forged
sender address. "

In our case, we're at the end of an MPLS connection and the firewall
is locked down to only accept mail from a single IP address on port 25
and it's not available to any Internet connections so it should be OK.


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