Am 20.10.2012 22:08, schrieb Jan P. Kessler:
> Hey guys,
>> if [ `$mailq_count` -gt 50 ]; then echo "Mail count on Server is" 
>> `$mailq_count`|/usr/sbin/sendmail -f ; 
>> fi
> I'm not sure, if sending an e-mail about a "full mailqueue"-condition is
> the best way to go ;-)


if you have no bulk-mail on your server it will tak enot too long
to find a good value to adjust the "50" and as example if i have
500 queued messages i like to look if there is soemthing going

the only optimizing for me would be to send another notify
if the count goes down and prevent sending multiple notfies
after reaching the configured limit

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