On Oct 20, 2012, at 4:08 PM, Jan P. Kessler wrote:

> Hey guys,
>> if [ `$mailq_count` -gt 50 ]; then echo "Mail count on Server is" 
>> `$mailq_count`|/usr/sbin/sendmail -f r...@example.com repo...@example.com ; 
>> fi
> I'm not sure, if sending an e-mail about a "full mailqueue"-condition is
> the best way to go ;-)

Any of these checks could be handled by Nagios or anything else that can easily 
execute a remote command.  Or tie it into your snmp daemon…

But yeah, a problem with a giant queue that piles up between cron'd intervals 
could certainly lead to some missed alerts. :)


> cheers, Jan

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