On Mon, Jan 07, 2013 at 02:34:07PM -0500, Jerry wrote:
> On Mon, 07 Jan 2013 13:09:26 -0600
> Noel Jones articulated:
> > On 1/7/2013 12:32 PM, Gerard Seibert wrote:
[postconf -n]
> > I don't see smtpd_sasl_type listed.  The default type is cyrus.  
> > Is that what you intend?  Looks as if you're using dovecot 
> > elsewhere.
> I discovered the problem. One of my soon to be EX associates 
> updated some applications on the machine last night. One of them 
> being cyrus-sasl2 port. They failed to compile either mysql or bdb 
> support into the program. Once I became aware of the problem I 
> simple recompiled the port and now all is well with the world 
> again.

I would not say ALL is well. If you're using Dovecot IMAP, it makes 
no sense at all not to use Dovecot SASL.
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