On 1/22/2013 2:34 PM, Grant wrote:
> I thought my postfix setup was configured to send mail on port 587 and
> receive mail on port 25, so I was surprised to find that I could send
> mail from the local machine on port 25.  Is my config OK?

Postfix never sends mail *from* TCP 25 or TCP 587.  These are receive
ports.  Outbound connections occur on high ports.  You're not properly
describing your use case, actually not at all.  Would you please?

Is this Postfix running on your desktop/laptop workstation and accepting
mail from your MUA, or is it runing on a 'dedicated' MX MTA host?  It's
unclear how you are trying to use Postfix.

Provide full 'postconf -n' output, never main.cf snippets.  This was in
your list welcome message.  If you'd posted that we already have an
answer for you.


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