On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 05:51:08PM +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
> i am using virtual users and domains, where i have 2 virtual domains
> and few users in both. i would like getmail to fetch email via pop3

First, I'll note that this is mostly off topic. Postfix has little to 
do with this, only incidentally.

Second, why are you using POP3? Surely your provider offers IMAP? If 
not, it's a good sign that you need a different provider. :)

Third, this would have been better with system users rather than 

> from our hosting servers and copy it directly to our Maildir Base,
> here is the path of my virtual users mailbox base.
> /maildb/vmail/$domain/$user/Maildir
> is there anyone can guide me with the getmail settings.

You'll have to run getmail as the system user/group who owns the 
mailbox. The Postfix settings which might apply are virtual_uid_maps 
and virtual_gid_maps. This user (or users, as the case may be) must 
have a valid shell (which you generally would not want in the case of 
virtual delivery.)

It looks like you made a $HOME for your virtual users; that's good. 
You can keep your files in /maildb/vmail/$domain/$user/.getmail, or 
perhaps even in /maildb/vmail/.getmail if it's all one user, as it is 
in almost every case. You can make a cron job for the user[s] to 
getmail. Refer to the examples as provided by Robert.

You have weakened the security of your virtual system by providing 
this user a real shell and having it call out to the Internet. Thus 
why I say this should be done by a system user. If your virtual user 
is compromised, all your mail might be at stake. If a system user is 
compromised, only that user's mail (and other files) is at risk.
  http://rob0.nodns4.us/ -- system administration and consulting
  Offlist GMX mail is seen only if "/dev/rob0" is in the Subject:

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