On 2013-05-07 14:33:12 +0200, Patrick Lists wrote:
> On 05/07/2013 02:02 PM, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> [snip]
> >A PTR is not associated with a host, but with an IP address. That's
> >important because mail may be sent from different IP addresses,
> >depending on the recipient or other factors. And it seems that
> >some users forget to set up a PTR for all their IPv6 addresses.
> >This apparently includes Debian's mailing-list server.
> It does not matter who sends the email. The sending MTA host should have a
> proper PTR (yes for the IP address). Forgetting to set a PTR is not an
> excuse. Would you accept it if a gas station forgot to label their fuel
> properly causing possible damage to your car's engine?

While I agree that a PTR should be set, this is different. A MTA
sending legitimate mail (not spam) but without a PTR doesn't cause
any damage.

> If Debian's mailing-list server does not have a PTR set then they
> should fix that. You can probably file a bug somewhere or poke some
> Debian infra person on irc. And if they are not totally clueless
> then their mail admin should see a bunch of bounces in their logs
> due to the absence of a PTR which hopefully rings a bell.

I've reported a Debian bug, and it's apparently "fixed".
See my reply to Stan Hoeppner about this.

> >I agree, but I repeat that I cannot change the config of other
> >users. From what I can see in my mail archive, it is *not* safe
> >to blindly reject mail from IPs without a valid PTR. At least
> >currently.
> So you basically accept that a mail admin of another system is
> clueless or lazy? Please don't let them get away with that, even if
> it could be legitimate email.

There are too many clueless/lazy admins. I would like to warn
them, but without rejecting the mail, at least before I know
more about it in *my* context. It's quite annoying to have bug
fixes delayed for months or years just because of lost mail.

If I added reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname, someone sending
a mail to us...@free.fr, us...@wanadoo.fr, vinc...@vinc17.net could
have his mail accepted by free.fr and wanadoo.fr (two big French
ISP's) because his IPv4 address has a valid PTR but rejected by my
server because his IPv6 address doesn't have a valid PTR.

Vincent Lefèvre <vinc...@vinc17.net> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.net/>
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: <http://www.vinc17.net/blog/>
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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