Per olof Ljungmark:
> Hi all,
> Hopefully I can explain this good enough for someone to understand and
> perhaps even suggest a solution.
> Our email system is built from a LDAP directory that contains all the
> necessary information about our users. A box receives mail from the MX's
> and routes it according to the information in the directory.
> If the mail is for a user present in the directory it gets delivered to
> the mail server, if it is for an external address it is delivered to the
> outgoing box etc., everything dandy.
> Now we face a setup where we have users present in the same tree as our
> normal mail users, but with addresses external to us. They must have the
> "mail" attribute that we normally use for delivery to our mail server.
> We cannot separate them to a different tree because it is actually a mix
> of internal and external users for a different purpose than mail routing.

Use a transport map. -> internal delivery agent or internal host -> external host


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