On Jun 21, 2013, at 03.50, Felix Rubio Dalmau <felixrubiodal...@gmail.com> 

> Sorry for disturbing you, Ben
>       Thank you for your answer, but there is one point I don't fully get: If 
> I 
> set up an smtp [25] to offer encryption without auth, a submission [587] to 
> require encryption and auth, and I want roundcube to access the mail server 
> with auth but without encryption.... I am stuck at the same point, right?
>       Finally, I have configured smtp [25] to offer encryption, and auth only 
> under tls. I have also set up a submission [587] without encryption, 
> requiring 
> auth, for roundcube. Finally I have closed port 587 using iptables, so can be 
> used only through the loopback interface.

let's please keep the discussion on the list, so others may participate.

the key here is the "I want roundcube to access the mail server with auth but 
without encryption".  why bother?  roundcube happily performs encryption just 
fine, it hurts nothing to do it, and it obviates the need for unnecessary 
special treatment.

you should not be offering auth on port 25, encryption or not.  we don't need 
to get into all of the corner cases or special use cases, but far and away, for 
the average environment, auth is for clients, and clients are to use port 
submission/587.  if you're using submission/587 for roundcube only [as you seem 
to indicate], then why go to all of the trouble to intentionally disable 
encryption when it works just fine?


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