On 8/22/2013 6:51 AM, Charles Marcus wrote:

> The simple fact is, we do not have any users based *anywhere* but the
> US, so, is what is the simplest way to block any/all non-US based client
> connections on my submission port?

Use the us.zone ipdeny file to build a CIDR table to accept any US
client IPs and reject everything else.


But not now as it's currently broken.  Already notified the OPs.  Not
sure how this happened.  This is a big deal as automated systems rely on
this data.  I'd think it'll be fixed today, within hours.

Anyway, your solution should be as simple as something like this:

submission inet n      -       -       -       -       smtpd
        -o smtpd_client_restrictions=check_client_access\
         /etc/postfix/us.cidr, reject

You could do the reverse and reject the rest of the world with your
table, however building an maintaining that CIDR file is a massive PITA.

If you have personnel traveling in other countries they use a VPN client
to get into your network.  That's what roaming VPN clients are for.  You
can setup a FLOSS VPN server for no cost but your labor/learning curve.
 Or simply enable/configure it on your edge router if it has VPN capability.


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