
Im trying to get cbpolicyd to be applied only to outgoing mail (Postfix vresion 2.7.0)

Iv created for this separate transport:

transport in master.cf
smtpout        unix    -    -    -    -    2    smtp
    -o syslog_name=smtpout
-o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=check_policy_service inet: -o smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions=check_policy_service inet:

but for some reason it does not work (postfix is not conecting to cluebringer)

I have also created second instance (for testing purposes) that listens on localhost only and placed

smtpd_recipient_restrictions=check_policy_service inet:
smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions=check_policy_service inet:

in master.cf
this works ok.

I'm trying to get a setup where i can limit mails each authenticated user can send / hour

If I setup cluebringer on second instance there is no way (at least i coudn't find one) to count mails / authenticated user as they are authenticating to first instance wich then sends mails to second instance

The goal is to accept all mail from authenticated users regardless of quota but slow down the outbound mails in accordance to quota

any suggestions welcome.

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