> Make sure you understand address classes.

We are not a virtual mailbox domain, we are a virtual alias domain
because we use UNIX accounts for the few mailboxes we have, and alias
several other addresses to them. Here is the definition of a virtual
alias domain straight from the manual:

The virtual alias domain class.

Purpose: hosted domains where each recipient address is aliased to a
local UNIX system account or to a remote address. A virtual alias
example is given in the VIRTUAL_README file.

Domain names are listed in virtual_alias_domains. The default value is
$virtual_alias_maps for Postfix 1.1 compatibility.

Valid recipient addresses are listed with the virtual_alias_maps
parameter. The Postfix SMTP server rejects invalid recipients with
"User unknown in virtual alias table". The default value is
$virtual_maps for Postfix 1.1 compatibility.

There is no mail delivery transport parameter. Every address must be
aliased to some other address.

>Apparently this is a virtual mailbox domain.  Valid users must be listed in 
>virtual_mailbox_maps. Domain rewrite wildcards will break recipient validation.

Again, it is not a virtual mailbox domain, and there are no wildcards
used anywhere I am aware of.

>I don't see anywhere that document recommends setting local_recipient_maps = 
>$virtual_alias_maps.  That looks like a hack someone dreamed up for covering 
>broken address classes.

Because we are a virtual alias domain, this is where our users are all listed.

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