
I'm really hoping this is either a hoax or I'm seriously misunderstanding something...

If it is true, how can they legally do this? And more importantly, how can SASL_AUTH attempts be blocked? Maybe block all SASL attempts from LinkedIn networks?

Anyway, article here:


"LinkedIn released a new product today called Intro.  They call it
?doing the impossible?, but some might call it ?hijacking email?.
Why do we say this?  Consider the following:

Intro reconfigures your iOS device (e.g. iPhone, iPad) so that all of
your emails go through LinkedIn?s servers. You read that right. Once
you install the Intro app, all of your emails, both sent and received,
are transmitted via LinkedIn?s servers. LinkedIn is forcing all your
IMAP and SMTP data through their own servers and then analyzing and
scraping your emails for data pertaining to?whatever they feel like."


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