
my transport_maps is:

transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport,

I want to use the "tcp" as "last resort" lookup but I don't know in
which order postfix is checking everything.

It looks like it is doing:

  first round:

    check for x...@yyy.com in:
      1. either in transport or transport.exp (don't know)
      2. the other one (transport or transport.exp)
      3. tcp

  second round (if nothing was found):

    check for yyy.com in:
      - only checked in transport

But is this the truth?

Also it would be great (but looks impossible) if the tcp would be used
for domain lookups as well. At the moment I have some domains in the
"transport" configured and I want to get some special information
through the tcp if nothing matched before. Is it somehow possible or
completely impossible?

Thanks in advance..


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