Lately, I'm seeing a lot more of this from some servers:

  postfix/cleanup[20330]: [ID 947731 mail.warning]
    warning: mysql:/etc/postfix/ lookup error for
  postfix/cleanup[20330]: [ID 947731 mail.warning]
    warning: 6D0D222182: virtual_alias_maps map lookup problem for
    [...] -- deferring delivery

This then reports "queue file write error", for reasons that seem explained by
the source.  I'm pretty sure that the problem will lie with "our stuff" and not
Postfix, but I'm trying to find out whether I can get more information on what
the lookup error was.

An incompetent skim over the source makes me think that if the MySQL query was
failing, I'd see log lines matching /mysql query failed/, which I am not
seeing.  (Actually, for the sake of full disclosure, I see it sometimes.  When
I see it, the failed lookup has been for an email address with a non-7-bit-safe
character, and makes sense.  It is the *other* failures that are baffling me.)

Is there something I can do to get more logging from postfix on this error,
before I switch to tracing?


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