Am 17.09.2014 um 11:37 schrieb AndreaML:
> On Tuesday 16 September 2014 23:33:43 wrote:
>> that still too much mail admins sadly don't care about 3 things
>> * A record
>> * PTR
>> * HELO name
>> and instead "reject_unknown_hostname" you need for a sane sleep
>> specific rules to at least reject insane HELO :-(
> thank you for your reply and the configuration excerpt.
> After reading yours and Bill Cole replies, i am now inclined to remove the 
> hard check on the HELO dns resolvability favoring the "soft" check ....
> I am just contended between two approach.
> The first is maintaining the restriction, prepending with a whitelist lookup 
> table populated in semi-automatic manner with a phase analyzing the logs to 
> identify the unresolvable unique helos that need to be whitelisted.
> Or the second is converting the hard check to a soft one like yours with a 
> table to reject clearly bogus names, that needs me to check not the smtp logs 
> but the antismap/antivirus logs and then the headers of the actual messages 
> to 
> build the table.
> I am referring to your (our) mail administrators wisdom and experience. what 
> is your opinion on these approaches?

i prefer in general soft rules and scoring when possible

thats why i only listed things like "ends with .localhost" and
some pretty clear ISP client HELO made it through SA and can
never be a legit mailserver

unconditional rules leads in complaints if they are really
catch a relevant amount or are meaningless because they
anyways don't really help

what i have in all rule sets is a sender-based whitelist
table to even override a hand picked hard blocking rule

the same for PTR checks where i try to get rid of most dynamic
clients not catched by DUL RBL's starting with a lot of DUNNO
rules if something smells like it could be a mailserver "out",
"mail", "gateway" since admins are too creative and/or careless
by naming their machines and ISP's not clear in naming their
enduser ranges PTR's

the intention is to block clear junk before it passes to
SpamAssassin because SA scales not that much if there
starts again a spam-wave like a few months ago with
500000 rejected messages per day :-(

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