On October 17, 2014 7:49:34 AM Andre Rodier <an...@rodier.me> wrote:

I have a few users who don't understand bounced messages, and consider
them as an error from our system. I won't even try to educate them.

So thay understand more if it was html ?, hmm

I would like to know if there is a way to use HTML messages to send
"beautiful" bounces messages (internally) but continue to send standard
text format externally.

Text msgs is beautiful, no ?

I already configured my bounce_template_file, but it only allows me to
do it as text.

You can show a link in bounce to bugzilla on own domain, and hope users will use it, but historical postfix is not a webmaster

If you have a perl/python/... scripted solution, I am interested as well.


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