Thanks Fernando,

I have even tried to google "HyperSendmail" but even in the 10th+++ page I didn't found anything that was meaningful.

At the beginning I was thinking about smtpd_banner but it didn't add up to me.
In the past I have tried to lookup for hypermail but it was not adding up.

So since I do not have any access to the service as an operator in any form , nobody there will answer my question regarding any running software..

As Viktor mentioned Oracle Communications Messaging Server is very convincing to be the relevant piece of software.
So it's either a custom product or a paid one from Oracle.

Maybe in the future somebody at will answer my technical questions but for now I am happy with what I have.


On 16/03/2015 15:12, Fernando Maior wrote:

Look at parameter smtpd_banner, that is the parameter I was talking
about in my previous e-mail. If you change that to "HyperSendmail v2007.08"
that is what you will see in your log.

Fernando Maciel Souto Maior

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