On 03/22/2015 08:19 PM, Steve Matzura wrote:
> Thanks Peter. Very instructive. I'm on Red Hat Fedora 21, which came
> out this week, which, now that you tell me Postfix version 3 is out,
> surprises me that the upgrade didn't take that into account and give
> it to me. The Fedora project is conservative in that way, not putting
> the absolute cutting-edge latest distros of things into their repo. If
> I can get my hands on version 3, I'll go for that instead and retrofit
> the configuration accordingly. It's a fresh clean system, so I can do
> what has to be done and get it right the first time, as the song
> says., including removing the current 2.10.5 (which isn't doing
> anything at the moment) and building 3 from source if I have to.

3.0 is in rawhide, but not in the stable fedora 21.  That said, you
might want to consider a longer-life distro that Fedora if you're going
to run a mail server on it, unless you like having your distro go EOL
after a year.  I have postfix 3.0 built for CentOS if you're interested.


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