On 5/7/2015 1:48 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:
Rod K:
I'm trying to implement

check_client_restrictions =
      check_client_access pgsql:/path/to/local_blacklist-sql.cf,
Note that this also makes queries with client name parent domains
and network prefixes (see the section "HOST NAME/ADDRESS PATTERNS"
in the access(5) manpage).

I'm aware. When the query term is NOT a valid dotted quad it returns DUNNO, even for hostnames.

Search order:



 *DUNNO*   Pretend that the lookup key was not found. This prevents Postfix
              from  trying  substrings  of the lookup key (such as a subdomain
              name, or a network address subnetwork).

This to me means the first lookup would check domain.tld (receive DUNNO so skip 
.domain.tld), then lookup net.work.addr.ess which will return DUNNO or REJECT 
(no further lookups)

I am handling matching for subnets internally so there is no need for further 
network address lookups.

Am I misunderstanding?  Is the initial DUNNO for domain.tld preventing 
net.work.addr.ess queries?

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