Im trying to filter broken PGP mail into usable mail with body checks.
I have selected to use pcre: when defining body_checks.

The problem is that certain PGP useragents, inserts a \r charachter, a tab, 
space, or any other whitespace char immediately before or after the “-----BEGIN 
PGP MESSAGE-----“ header.

So the rule is as follows:
/[ \t\r\f]*-----(BEGIN|END)([^-]*)-----[ \t\r\f]*/ REPLACE -----$1$2-----

The problem with this, is that this removed the whole body of the mail except 
for the -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- line.

What are im doing wrong? I have tried with different flags like /s or /si and 
such, but still it removes the whole body.
I want it to scan line for line and process it.

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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