FWIW, I have the same problem. I saw it  as intermittent, but now that you 
tracked it down to the width of the lines , this makes sense. I do have access 
to my server console at the moment, but I'm running the highest rev of postfix 
2. I believe it is rev 11. 

So is this problem present in postfix 3?

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
  Original Message  
From: Andy A
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 9:23 AM
To: postfix-users@postfix.org
Subject: DKIM Signature fails


We have Postfix 2:2.6.6-6.el6_5 running locally with opendkim, opendmarc on 
Centos 6.x. All the emails are sent via the local MTA (postfix)

The mails are being delivered and are signed as they have DKIM signature, but 
the body hash fails. DNS TXT records for dmarc, dkim and spf are all valid and 
present. We have figured out what the issue is. Postfix is chopping certain 
lines of the messages after a total of 74 characters. This is quite strange as 
the line length limit for Postfix is 998 characters and SMTP protocol line 
length limit is 1000 characters. But, what's even more puzzling is that the 
messages which are being sent out as text/plain are also being subjected to 
this chopping. 

Thus, the messages which have lines longer than 74 characters get chopped and 
split into two lines after DKIM signature is applied to the mail message. This 
results in incorrect body hash on the verifier's end. I have tested this with 
two different messages stated below. 

Following is the original message which fails the DKIM verification at the 
verifier's end. As you can see, the lines have been chopped off and a '=' has 
been added towards the end of the line where the lines have been longer than 74 

Hi  ,

An account has been created for you to access our network.

Once you will be on-site, authenticate using the following credentials to=
 our captive portal:

Username: email.verify
Password: password

This username and password will be valid starting 2015-11-18. Registratio=
n must happen before 2015-11-19. Once authenticated the access will be va=
lid for 1 hour.

Please ignore this request if you have not requested network access.
This is a post only E-mail, please do not reply.

Following is the message which passes the DKIM verification at the verifier's 
end. I modified the message so that no lines are longer than 74 characters.

Hi  ,

An account has been created for you to access our network.

Username: email.verify
Password: password

Please ignore this request if you have not requested network access.
This is a post only E-mail, please do not reply 


Can anyone suggest what's going on and how can this be resolved?
Thank you for your time and help.

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