I get the body hash failure on plain text. ‎
  Original Message  
From: Wietse Venema
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 10:24 AM
To: Postfix users
Reply To: Postfix users
Subject: Re: DKIM Signature fails

Andy A:
>Following is the original message which?fails?the DKIM verification
>at the verifier's end. As you can see, the lines have been chopped
>off and a '=' has been added towards the end of the line where the
>lines have been longer than 74 characters.
>Hi? ,
>An account has been created for you to access our network.
>Once you will be on-site, authenticate using the following credentials
>to= ?our captive portal:

You are sending an 8BITMIME message to an SMTP server that does not
announce 8BITMIME support. 

To quote from an earlier thread on this topic

[begin quote]

As required by the MIME RFCs, an MTA must either bounce mail or 
convert it to quoted-printable when it needs to deliver 8BITMIME 
mail to an SMTP server that does not announce 8BITMIME support. 

DKIM signatures of 8BITMIME mail may break unless all SMTP servers 
in the path implement and announce 8BITMIME support. Otherwise, it 
is better to down-convert to quoted-printable before DKIM signing. 

[end quote]

See also: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.ietf.dkim/11640


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