Hi Sebastian, and Noel,
On 09/02/16 16:06, Sebastian Nielsen wrote:
> Try a recipient_bcc_maps using pcre:
> Eg, something like this:
> /^([^\@]*)\@yourdomain\.com$/ $1...@new.server.com
> (first part is "match anything that does not contain a @", second is a 
> literal @, and the final part is the external domain that your border server 
> receives mail on)
> (Note, test around with the map on a test server  connected to 2 other test 
> server instances to "simulate" your setup before deploying this to a 
> production server)
> And then you use a transport map to deliver the new domain to the new server.

I had a look at Noel's solution, and while it gives great flexibility,
it looked like a lot of work to implement.  (We hope this will be very
temporary and that we'll soon be cutting over to the new server

I first gave this a try on the new box, thinking I'd get it to forward
its mail to the old one.  The new one hosts the users as virtual
domains, and so recipient_bcc_maps didn't seem to work.

A few variations on the regex didn't seem to fix it.  Last night riding
home after a 10 hour stint doing the migration of the network, I thought
to try configuring the old server to BCC its mail to the new one.

I've tried that, and this seems to be working -- possibly because the
old server (based on the Zentyal groupware stack; Ubuntu 10.04, Postfix
and Zarafa) considers its users as local ones.

The new server uses an LDAP query that checks userPrincipalName which is
of the form u...@activedirectory.example.com and is created for all
users as well as checking for mail and otherMail attributes that match.

So I'm about to uncork the border router mail server which should open
the floodgates and let all the mail for our office flood to the newly
configured mail infrastructure.

Many thanks.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...
  ...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.

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