On 20/02/16 02:05, Sebastian Nielsen wrote:
> Everytime I need multiple processes to access the very same file and those 
> processes has interlocks that prevent them from running as the same user or 
> same group, I just "fix" the problem with 666.
> That is a thing I ONLY do if I get a permission error when trying to do 
> something I want to do with some software. So for example, when I want to 
> edit something from my admin panel on http://www.sebbe.eu , I just 666 that 
> file to be able to access it from the admin panel.
> Same, I needed to get arp working so HTTP could execute arp for detecting 
> which MAC addresses users of a captive portal had. I simply 777'd arp 
> command, because not even 755 worked for some reason, the arp command 
> required whoever that had execute permission to also have write permission.
Apologies for butting in on this discussion. The above reasoning seems
to me deeply flawed and something I was guilty of as a Linux newbie back
in the late 90s. It is a tempting easy way out.

Rather than addressing the cause of a problem, you are attacking the
symptoms and in the process creating unnecessary vulnerabilities in the
system. At least that is how I read your brief description.

The problem with this, to my mind, is that it introduces sloppyness and
this can influence future actions and sub-par "solutions" permanenting
potentially harmful workarounds. On my own home gaming box, it's one
thing, on a company or client server on the other hand ...

/Martin S
> Yeah, I agree that actually, only 644 is required on that config file. But 
> why get so angry when someone 666's a file to just get things working?
> Its not like a list of banned spam domains is something super-sensitive.
> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Från: Jim Reid [mailto:j...@rfc1035.com] 
> Skickat: den 20 februari 2016 01:40
> Till: Sebastian Nielsen <sebast...@sebbe.eu>
> Kopia: postfix-users@postfix.org
> Ämne: access permissions 101
>> On 19 Feb 2016, at 23:52, Sebastian Nielsen <sebast...@sebbe.eu> wrote:
>> but if you're hosting for example a mail server for a company, and only you 
>> as a sysadmin has shell access to the server, its no danger 666'ing files 
>> that throw permission errors. Then the file isn't really "world writable", 
>> since only you have a account on the server anyways.
> This is a remarkably stupid and utterly irresponsible thing to say. It’s also 
> wrong. Very, very wrong.
> One of the fundamental principles of security is least privilege. Things get 
> the minimum permissions/access rights/whatever that are needed for the task 
> they have to perform.
> So for postfix only some postfix processes need to have write access from 
> time to time to specific files and directories. Almost nothing should ever 
> need write access to postfix's configuration files, except for maybe postmap 
> when rebuilding hash tables. So postfix's config files shouldn’t be writable 
> by anyone, not even the postfix user.
> Your starting assumption is also deeply flawed. A world-writable file can be 
> written to by anything, not just the UIDs who have shell accounts. There will 
> be other (or should be) UIDs and GIDs allocated to other services that run on 
> the box: HTTP, DNS, printing, MySQL, postgres, games, spam filters, man 
> pages, TeX, FTP, etc, etc. That way if one of these things has a security 
> leak, it can only write to that UID’s writable files (if there are any). The 
> breakage can’t contaminate anything else. But if someone is stupid enough to 
> intentionally make config files world-writable, these can be damaged by a 
> security problem in a rogue application. This is why the TeX user (say) 
> doesn’t get write access to the DNS or mail or MySQl or.... configuration. 
> That UID doesn’t need those privileges. So it doesn’t get them. At least, not 
> on any sensibly managed computer system.
> The logical extension of your approach is to make the password file, kernel, 
> shared library, etc world-writable. After all, you’re the only one who has 
> shell access. And you never, ever make mistakes and no software 
> vulnerabilities of any sort ever occur on the servers you manage - right?
> If you were hosting mail for my business and I found out you’d *deliberately* 
> set 666 permissions on the mail configuration files my company depended on, 
> I’d sue you for gross negligence. And win.

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