On 03/04/16 08:39, Robert Chalmers wrote:
> How can I block this user from even attempting to access the mail server?
> Mac. OSX 10.11
> Postfix.
> I’ve even tried setting it in the firewall - but I’m missing something,
> because there it is again...
> I have the domain IP in a blacklist on both the pf.conf firewall, and
> the postfix blacklist, and in spamassassin … impossible. I can not stop
> this sucker.

If you've blocked the source IP at your firewall, and it's still coming
through, then either you applied the block incorrectly, or the IP is
spoofed and you're blocking the wrong source IP.  You need to spend some
quality time with your firewall and Postfix logs and tcpdump/wireshark.

  Phil Stracchino
  Babylon Communications
  Landline: 603.293.8485

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