On 19.3.2016 1:18, Wietse Venema wrote:
Istvan Prosinger:
Why a separate header, why not just:

enable_long_queue_ids = yes

and use the queue ID that's already in your top Received: header?

I would use a header_checks PREPEND action that prepends a header
with the long queue ID from the Received: header.

Sorry, no time to write out a complete example.


Ok, I was thinking of this, but wasn't sure how to "pass" the (long or
not) queue ID (or anything else) in header_checks. Another thought is to
copy one that is already there, but not sure how to do it or how far can
I go in a "one-liner"

     enable_long_queue_ids = yes
     header_checks = /etc/postfix/stamp.pcre

     # Pattern for /usr/sbin/sendmail submission
     /^Received:\sby\sserver\.example\.com\s\S+\s\S+\s\S+\s+id\s(\S+);/ Prepend 
X-ID $1.server.example.com

     # Pattern for SMTP submission
 Prepend X-ID $1.server.example.com


Thanks for the ideas. I need to mark the incomming mails for local storage tracking, not submission, so anyway, I ended up with a shorter version

/name\.server\.com\s\S+\s\S+\s\S+\s+id\s(\S+)/ Prepend X-DIYL-$1

And added to
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_recipient_access pcre:/etc/postfix/stamp.pcre

I'm quite sure that I have a match on the queue id, but the Prepend has no effect on the header. What am I missing?

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