On Saturday, March 26, 2016 05:44:45 PM Mick wrote:
> Hi Postfix users,
> I would like to try and install a later version of Postfix (and
> postfix-mysql) than the Debian stable (Jessie) repository currently
> offers (2.11.3-1). I've looked at building Postfix 3.1 from source, but
> I'm finding it hard to follow the instructions. This is wholly down to
> *my* lack of understanding regarding the building process and
> dependences I would need to build in for my system and no reflection on
> the author.
> As an alternative to building from source, I am also considering the
> easier option of installing version 3.0.4-5 from the Debian testing
> source (Stretch) using a pinned source list.  This leaves me with a
> question on dependencies.  Should I install postfix dependencies from
> the Debian Stretch source list which may upset Jessie's stability, or
> instead download them from Jessie which may cause Postfix problems ?
> If I were to attempt to build 3.1, would it be better to first install
> 2.11 and get that up an running? I ask as there may be less dependencies
> to build into 3.1, and certainly less to configure if the main.cf and
> master.cf already exist.
> To sum up, I don't know which way to go, though I'm thinking 3.1 would
> be the best route long term. Any suggestions welcomed.

We are close to uploading Postfix 3.1 to Debian Unstable, which means it should 
be in Testing (Stretch) soonish.  There are a number of historical differences 
between the upstream and Debian approach to packaging postfix that are 
substantially narrowed starting in Postfix 3.0.  We're still working on 
adapting the Debian packaging and I expect 3.1 to have less difference in this 

I would not recommend updating a Debianized Postfix 2.11.3 to an upstream built 
from source Postfix 3.0/3.1.  If you want to go the route of building from 
source, I would remove the Debianized version first.

If you choose to go the route of adding Stretch to your sources.list with 
appropriate pinning, the dependencies should only be pulled in from Stretch if 
they are not present in sufficient version in Jessie.  Do pay close attention 
what is being upgraded and decide for yourself if it is too much to be 
comfortable with (for example if the package pulls in a new libc6 version that 
would be a sign to be concerned in my opinion).

Another alternative would be to rebuild the Debian  Postifx 3.0 packaging 
specifically for Jessie.  If you don't know how to do this, 
http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/packaging-tutorial/packaging-tutorial has 
some good advice (don't panic about the size of the document, you'll only need 
to deal with a small part of it).  This would likely eliminate the need to 
upgrade dependencies.

If it were me, I'd to the last option.

For further information on working with the Debianized packaging, I would 
suggest contacting a Debian specific support resource as it's not particularly 
on topic here.

Scott K

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