In Postfix 2.10, the default value of
$parent_domain_matches_subdomains changed from:

parent_domain_matches_subdomains =


parent_domain_matches_subdomains =

(Note the addition of "relay_domains".)

Although this seemed like an innocuous change, it caused a temporary
outage for us after we upgraded from 2.9.1 to 2.10.

We have always used dot-prefix notation where necessary in our
$relay_domains list.  Specifically, we have listed "" in
our $relay_domains parameter in our inbound SMTP firewall for years.
But with the addition of "relay_domains" to this parameter upon
upgrade, Postfix suddenly began deferring email destined to
"" (denying relay) even though the dot-prefix was
already there!

The documentation for $parent_domain_matches_subdomains states:

> A list of Postfix features where the pattern "" also matches 
> subdomains of, instead of requiring an explicit "" 
> pattern. This is planned backwards compatibility: eventually, all Postfix 
> features are expected to require explicit "" style patterns when 
> you really want to match subdomains.

The documentation is vague about how Postfix behaves if the domain is
already dot-prefixed, but I think it's reasonable that doing so should
not change Postfix's behavior with respect to domain matching for
relaying purposes.

Does anyone disagree?  Otherwise this seems like a bug.  In the
meantime we've manually removed "relay_domains" from the list to
return to pre-2.10 behavior.

Best regards,


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