I have a small Postfix/Dovecot virtual server, low usage
every so often a user account get compromised and spam sent (like couple
of days ago), now I'm seeing 5 or 6 emails 'stuck' in the queue with like:

(host mail2.abcdef.com[217.xx.xx.xx] refused to talk to me:
554-mail1.abcdef.com 554 Your access to this mail system has been rejected
due to the sending MTA's poor reputation. If you believe that this failure
is in error, please contact the intended recipient via alternate means.)

the single rbl has been already contacted, and, removed my IP, mxtoolbox
shows NO blacklists, I guess 'poor reputation' will persist for a day or

so, the question is can I set up a 'spare' mail server, in future cases
when I end up for a day or longer with bad reputation, to switch to an
alternate outbound smtp server... ? does it make sense..? would it work?
(trying to plan ahead from behind)

thanks for any advice

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