Hi guys. I'm not sure if this is a possibility, but is there a way to
disable a milter from scanning a message from an authenticated sender? I
may have asked this before, but I'm not sure if I asked the correct
questions. I'm using the SNF-milter and it scans all incoming and outgoing
messages on all outbound ports which I think is a Postfix setting because
there is nowhere to specify this in the milter itself. Customers
authenticate with the server to send on ports 25, 587, 993, 995 and 465.
The problem I'm having is a lot of customers have dirty IPs from their ISPs
which is causing the SNF-milter to block the connections when they try to
send. The milter is working as it should be, but it is causing the
customers to have problems sending out and as you know, it's almost
impossible to get an ISP to clean up their dirty IP issues. If it is not
possible to have a milter not scan messages from authenticated users, is
there a script that can be written to accomplish this? Any and all help
would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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